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Network Solutions Unlimited Blog

Network Solutions Unlimited has been serving the Decatur area since 2013, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Leverage Gmail’s Priority Inbox to Your Advantage

Leverage Gmail’s Priority Inbox to Your Advantage

If you are a Gmail user, you might have noticed the different inbox categories available. This makes it much easier to reach “inbox zero.” With the “priority inbox,” you can achieve this feat without so much as breaking a sweat—unless you count sweat from how much you’re laughing at how easy this tip is to pull off.

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Dissecting the Lessons from a Recent Amazon Scam Warning Email

Dissecting the Lessons from a Recent Amazon Scam Warning Email

Amazon Prime subscribers recently received an email from the online marketplace, warning them of the prevalence of scams that took advantage of their offerings and brand recognition. Let’s go through the advice that this email shared, and compare it to the best practices we recommend for avoiding scams.

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Blank Emails are a Sign of Dangerous Spam

Blank Emails are a Sign of Dangerous Spam

We talk a lot about phishing. What it is, what it does, and perhaps most critically, what it looks like. However, have you ever expected a phishing email to look like… nothing? As in, a completely blank message?

If you answered, “no,” that’s exactly what today’s cybercriminals are counting on.

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Email Encryption Keeps Prying Eyes Off of Your Messages

Email Encryption Keeps Prying Eyes Off of Your Messages

Email is crucial to the success of any business, but it also might contain sensitive information that is meant for the eyes of your organization—and its clients—only. Most modern email platforms give you tools you need to secure your email solution, so let’s go over how you might enable these features and what they look like.

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AI Might Be the Next Big Thing for Your Email Security

AI Might Be the Next Big Thing for Your Email Security

While artificial intelligence is being adopted across numerous industries, one that many people may not think of is the cybercrime industry. Fortunately, AI can also be used to stop some forms of cybercrime, such as phishing. Let's talk about how AI might soon be an integral part of your phishing prevention.

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Hosted Email Expands Access of Crucial Business Communications

Hosted Email Expands Access of Crucial Business Communications

How often do you look at your email solution and think, “Wow, managing this thing takes up so much of our time. What would it be like to take that time and apply it elsewhere?” Today, businesses have all kinds of options for managing their email communications, one of which is email hosting provided through a managed service provider.

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Why You Shouldn’t Use Your Work Email for Personal Accounts

Why You Shouldn’t Use Your Work Email for Personal Accounts

Efficiency is great, but it should never come at the cost of boundaries. A perfect example of this is your work email address. It might be easy to use it to subscribe to an online service, like Netflix, but this is far from the best idea. Let’s take a look at why it might be a bad idea to breach these boundaries between your personal life and your work life, and why it might have lasting consequences.

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Tip of the Week: Tips to Help You Clean Up Your Email Inbox

Tip of the Week: Tips to Help You Clean Up Your Email Inbox

If you have ever tried to wrestle with an out-of-control inbox, then you know it can be a challenge. You receive countless emails every day, and if you don’t find a way to handle them all, it can be challenging to stay on task. How can you make sure that your inbox organization isn’t putting your productivity on the line?

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6 Extremely Valuable Communications Tools for Business

6 Extremely Valuable Communications Tools for Business

Your employees will look to you to provide guidance throughout the workday, so you should do your best to use the communication mediums at your disposal to stay in touch with them. Granted, the average business has many different ways of communicating information to employees, especially in the wake of a global pandemic which forced many employees to work remotely. That said, communication is more important than ever; what services or solutions can you use to foster communication and aid your employees in their day-to-day responsibilities?

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Tip of the Week: Improve Your Business’ Communications

Communication is imperative to the success of your business, but sometimes it’s easier said than done--particularly if your organization relies on technology-related communication that can make context and subtext difficult to detect. Here are some tips to ensure that your employees are as clear and concise as possible with your communication mediums.

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Tip of the Week: Learning How to Create Effective Email Subject Lines

Ever get an email with the subject line “No Subject” and not feel compelled to open it? Us too. Your email subjects are crucial to getting a user’s attention and helping them understand what the email is about. We’re here to help you develop more effective email subjects to ensure your messages are opened and responded to.

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Tip of the Week: Leveraging Gmail’s Smart Compose Feature on Android

With technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence entering further into our daily lives, what was once science fiction is becoming fact - assisting our lives (which most would agree is better than threatening our lives). For this week’s tip, we’ll show you how to leverage machine learning in a very basic way: in the Android version of Gmail’s Smart Compose feature.

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Managing Your Email Can Help You Be More Productive

Managing Your Email Can Help You Be More Productive

Wrangling an email inbox that has been left to its own devices for months can be a challenge, especially for those who sign up for email lists and never unsubscribe from anything. If this sounds like you, be sure to read on and discover ways that you can finally take back control of your email inbox.

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Tip of the Week: Three Tips to Improve Your Remote Meetings

Tip of the Week: Three Tips to Improve Your Remote Meetings

While remote work can be a hugely popular and successful strategy to ensure your business’ goals are accomplished, remote meetings can often offer up challenges for those that aren’t used to them. For this week’s tip, we’re offering three ways that you can help make these meetings easier to manage.

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Tip of the Week: Simple Steps to Safer Email Practices

Tip of the Week: Simple Steps to Safer Email Practices

Security is always a business priority, and with so many business needs now fulfilled digitally, it is critical that cybersecurity has a strong presence in organizations big and small. Nowadays, collaboration solutions have also had even greater importance in the workplace, making tools like email completely essential. Unfortunately, this gives cybercriminals an increased opportunity to use it as a means of attack.

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Tip of the Week: How to Waste Less Time on Your Email

Tip of the Week: How to Waste Less Time on Your Email

As much as we all rely on emails throughout the workday, they can be an intense pain to manage, which only makes it a hassle to deal with and can actively make it less useful for your users. We want to help you avoid this outcome, so we’re sharing a few tips to make the management of your email that much more effective.

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Tip of the Week: Automatically Organizing Your Email

Tip of the Week: Automatically Organizing Your Email

Let’s face it - you’d be hard-pressed at this point to find someone who wasn’t fairly confident about their use of email in the office. However, the way they are currently using their email may not be the most efficient. This week, we’re focusing our tips on how to better use your email.

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Start Off 2020 by Auditing Your Online Accounts and Passwords

Start Off 2020 by Auditing Your Online Accounts and Passwords

Let’s take a look at a real-world scenario that I ran into a few weeks ago with a family friend. For the sake of this story, let’s call him Bob. Bob lost access to a pretty important online account.

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Tip of the Week: Improving Outlook With Three Tips

Tip of the Week: Improving Outlook With Three Tips

Does your business use Microsoft Outlook as its preferred email client? It’s likely that you have already noticed how dynamic of a solution it is for your business purposes, but little do you know that the most recent version of Outlook is stacked with some of the best features out there to make your user experience even better.

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Tip of the Week: Gmail Is Made Even Easier When You Use Filters

Tip of the Week: Gmail Is Made Even Easier When You Use Filters

Your email inbox can quickly become an overwhelming mess without the proper management, but who has the time to sort through their email inbox on top of all of their other, more urgent responsibilities? Fortunately for Gmail users, the program provides the answer with its filter feature. For this week’s tip, we’ll show you how to regain control of your inbox with filters.

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